Monday, April 15, 2013

45 Days of P90X

Day 45!!!!!

I put two photos in the collage for comparison....
The first with the orange shirt is me 5 days after having Charlotte
The second is me 6 weeks after baby, first day of my workout!

Wow what a difference!!!!!!!

I'm down to 116lbs... I haven't taken measurements yet because I am so close to day 60 and want to wait to see!


This folks is proof that even a small framed mama of two little girls can get her butt in gear and make a difference. 
I feel awesome!

** I stick to a fairly clean diet... I still eat pasta once a week and have one day of "cheating" even though I really don't go all out. It usually means I eat bread and maybe add extra cheese to my chicken! haha!
I replace one meal a day with Tropical Shakeology! Usually lunch!