Thursday, March 28, 2013

Motivation Week 5

Week 5 is almost over, so what in motivating/inspiring me this week?

But first... here is what my schedule looks like...
I am doing P90X doubles this week.
I decided to cut out Turbofire except to maybe sub a workout that is fairly equivalent. 
So I really wanted to throw myself into P90X for 2 weeks, then go back to the Lean phase.


I keep saying this to myself when I make a meal. 
Stop counting calories or being a slave to diets...
just make good choices
and smile!

always a work in progress!

That's for you Tony Horton!

I mean... it's Ryan Gosling!
Saying stuff about Beachbody
How can I not love this!

and finally... cute lululemon workout clothes
There is something about cute/new clothes that really get me motivated!
How about you????

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