Thursday, May 3, 2018

2B Mindset Test Group

Welcome to the 2B Mindset!

So you expressed interest in losing weight without having to workout? GREAT! I cannot express to you how excited I am to share this whole new way of thinking. But let’s get one thing out of the way, this is NOT a DIET. There are no contaners, no points, no scales, no restrictions, no counting. It is a MINDSET.
I am excited to share this because my entire Beachbody career has been based on 3 simple concepts… diet, exercise, and mindset. THIS is something so brand new, even to me, and takes those 3 things and really flips them on their head. There is no exercise required, but I know going into the warmer months, you will want to move. The exercise part is your choice. Whether you do Beachbody workouts, take yoga classes, walk the dog, play with the kids, head to the gym, or choose NOT to workout. It is all up to you.

So let’s dive in….

What is the 2B Mindset™?
2B Mindset is a weight loss program and breakthrough new way of eating that will have you feeling full and satisfied instead of hungry and deprived.  No more counting calories or points, measuring food, or cutting food groups. You get to eat the foods you love and live your life. You will learn what to eat and when for your body and your weight loss goals, but what makes this program really unique is that it will change your mindset and help you conquer some of the underlying reasons you've struggled to lose the weight and keep it off.  2B Mindset is designed to help you understand and conquer emotional eating, thereby helping you create a better relationship with food and your body-so you can lose weight happily and keep it off for good.

Who is the Creator of 2B Mindset?

Ilana Muhlstein is a registered dietitian nutritionist-the highest standard in the field of nutrition.  She has built a thriving private practice in Beverly Hills and helped hundreds of people lose weight happily-and keep it off.  She is also a wife, mother and is pregnant with her second child.

What you may not know from looking at her is that she used to be 100 lbs. heavier.  Ilana struggled with her weight throughout childhood and adolescence.  She was an emotional eater and a volume eater-and  knew the only way she would ever lose the weight and keep it off for good was if she figured out a way to feel full and satisfied.  Nothing existed, so she figured it out herself and successfully lost and has maintained her 100 lb. weight loss, while enjoying life.  Since then, she's helped hundreds of people in her practice and at UCLA lose weight happily -and keep it off. Now she's revealing all of her tried and true weight-loss secrets with 2B Mindset.

Ilana earned a Bachelor of Science degree in nutrition and dietetics from the University of Maryland and a Master's of Science from Northeastern University. She also sits on the prestigious Executive Leadership Team for the American Heart Association and leads the Bruin Health Improvement Program at UCLA.

2B Mindset is for people who:

Want to lose weight, but don't like to exercise

Exercise but struggle with their nutrition and do not see the weight loss results they want

Love food, love to eat big portions, and love to feel full

Are tired of yo-yo dieting but want to maintain their lifestyle

Want an easy-to-follow way to lose weight without strict rules, like cutting food groups, counting calories or eating small portions

Cannot exercise due to injury/illness but want to lose (or maintain) weight through better eating habits

Have experienced emotional eating and want to be free from obsessing about food and feeling overwhelmed by food choices.

Included with the 2B Mindset Kit is:

Permanent streaming access to all 2B Mindset videos, including:


21 short videos that teach the basic principles of the program, including how to understand food groups, what to eat and when, Ilana's proven secrets to a positive  mindset, plus real-life strategies for managing any eating situation (i.e., eating out at restaurants, while on a trip, for vegans/vegetarians, etc.)


5 videos that help address the most common challenges to losing weight and establishing a healthier relationship with food


15 recipe videos where Ilana shows you how to cook her favorite time-saving, delicious and satisfying meals…in no time

The Getting Started Guide, which includes step-by-step instructions for putting the program into action

My Go-to-Guide, a handy resource that accompanies the videos, featuring food lists, grocery shopping lists and more

2B Mindset Recipes booklet, a collection of Ilana's favorite healthy meals, which can be printed for handy reference

My Tracker, a 90-day journal you can use to track your meals, progress, and all the daily inputs that can influence your weight loss journey and success

A special 30 oz water bottle that helps get you drinking more water with Ilana's motivational sayings to keep you on track

The amazing thing about the 2B Mindset is that there's NO ANNUAL OR REOCCURRING FEES.Yep. Once a member, always a member. You will never have access taken away from your digital materials.

And.... more will be added throughout the year! More videos, recipes, and exclusive content that only you can access.

The complete kit is on sale for just $99 for the Customer Test Group. Prices go up in June when it goes public.The kit includes everything listed above.For add ons, like Shakeology and Beachbody OnDemand, it will cost extra. But you get everything needed for the program for just $99.

Wait there's more.....

I will be hosting a private group success chat with the Test Group.Beachbody needs non coach success stories, this means YOU

Also, after completion of 30 days on the program, everyone will get a $10 Target or Amazon Gift Card for being a tester!$20 if you go the full 90 days (3 months)

To see details:

Monday, May 22, 2017

YouV2 : Week One

I mean how appropriate is this??

PHEW! I have officially ended WEEK ONE of the newest Beachbody program, YouV2!
If you are curious about the program, go here for my rundown!

I thought it was important for me to document my journey with this program, especially as an already "fit" person, because I think people tend to get it in their head that Beachbody is all about BLOOD SWEAT AND SHAUN T!
And even though that is a lot of it, there are lots of programs and workouts for beginners. 

And thankfully, this newest one, is probably the biggest front door to the Beachbody World.  

Week One looked like this:

Each week you do one dance routine (30 minutes each) for all 5 days (Monday through Friday). Week One is Move Your Body. This is by far the easiest of the 3, with the lowest impact and easiest arm movements. So for this non dancer, it was perfect.

I could totally see how someone could get bored with doing the same workout for 5 days straight, but for a beginner, this is so key.
You will master each move, start to really get to know the moves, add some flavor, and have fun by day 5. 

Because I have no idea how to stop, I decided to do the other 2 dance routines on Saturday and Sunday, as a preview! And they get so much more fun from here! Week 4 is all about the strength exercises: Sculpt Shack, Sweat Sensation, and Believe Achieve Tone.

Are the workouts challenging enough for a fit person? YES! The arm movements alone in the week one routine made my shoulders ache by day 3. So I was for sure getting in a workout. As I learned the routine and got comfortable, I allowed myself to jump a little, go lower, and really get into the moves. So yes, I was sweating by the end of the 30 minutes!!

What I love most about the program is the constant LOVE! The positive language, fun messages on the walls, and the ladies WOOPing it up while dancing really kept me going and put a big smile on my face! Something that I honestly lack in my workout programs!

There's zero focus on "form" so don't expect to really learn how to squat or do a lunge... he focuses more on the fun factor and you doing you. Which is why this is such a great doorway to fitness. After this program I would probably suggest P90, and allow Tony to educate you on functional movement patterns, and gain more strength. Still very low impact, but a challenge!

I have been using my Journal that comes with the program and reading the 37 page meal guide as well. They load you up with some good info for such a "beginner" program! 

I am so excited to move onto Week 2 and a new routine! 

Monday, May 15, 2017

YouV2 :: You but Better!

Image result for youv2

Introducing: Youv2!

I know that is is pretty easy to look at my Newsfeed over on Facebook or Instagram and think that the only kind of workouts that I do, are high energy, intense, and require jumps and burpees. 
And that is sometimes very true. When I teach, I like to BRING IT! But when I'm at home trying to get in a sweat session, it's a completely different story.

You will always hear a health coach preaching balance and that is exactly what I look for when I am pushing play at home. I love to get intense while at the gym, whether it's in my P90X Live classes, Insanity, or Turbokick, and hitting the weight room afterwards. 

But when I'm home, I want to HAVE FUN and not worry about drills or maxing out. Yes those programs work, and yes I absolutely love them, but BALANCE has been key for me lately. We can't be INTENSE 7 days a week!

So this fitness instructor is pumped to push play for 21 days on this BRAND NEW workout program by a guy who honestly doesn't get enough credit and love in the Beachbody community.

Get ready to DANCE and SHIMMY your way to fit with Youv2!!!



Get moving to party songs from the '80s and '90s. Trainer Leandro Carvalho takes you through each 30 minute, easy-to-follow routine, step-by-step. There are 4 cardio-dance routines and 2 body-sculpting workouts.


Stream your YOUv2 workouts at home five days a week on Beachbody On Demand or play your workouts on DVD. Then, take the weekends off to grocery shop for the week. In 4 weeks, you'll be surprised how far you've come.


Losing weight is never easy. YOUv2 is more than a beginner workout—it's a fun and easy fitness and nutrition program designed to change how you approach weight loss and your overall health.
I am NOT a dancer. I am a burpee loving, high knee running, dumbbell curling machine. But... let's circle back to that word... I understand that to truly get results and feel complete with your health journey, you need balance. Whether it's nutrition or fitness, it is so important to mix things up. 

Just because I am not good at something, doesn't mean I should say NO to it!

So for 21 days I am going to go on a dance journey with some wonderful ladies! We are going to literally dance our way into summer!

And I want to invite YOU to join us!

Youv2 is for beginners, or vets like myself! There's no jumping or high impact movements, just dance and smiles!

You can stream it via the Beachbody OnDemand service or you can purchase the dvd set. 
My personal reccomendation is to do it with the OnDemand service. You will gain instant access to all the materials that come with the dvd set PLUS have access to every single other program that Beachbody has to offer. So when you are ready to graduate from Youv2, other programs are right at your finger tips!

Nutrition: The no brainer for getting the BEST results with this program will be your secret weapon, Shakeology
I don't say this because I sell it, because that would be too easy. I say it because for 4 years in a row, I have yet to miss a day with my shake. Every single day, no matter what is in store for me, I drink my shake to make sure that I am getting at least one essential meal in my body. It is brain and muscle food! 

Everyone always asks what the secret sauce is, and my answer is always the All Access Pass Challenge Pack. You get every single workout program right on your device or tv PLUS you get Shakeology delivered to your door every month. Consistency. That is the key. And Beachbody makes it EASY to stay on track.

Especially with me as your free coach!

So if you are ready to push PLAY with me on Youv2... then what the heck are you waiting for?? Let's do this together! 

Find me on Facebook:


Fill out this form and I will get right back to you with information on what we can do together with me as your coach!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Beachbody OnDemand All Access Pass

Happy Monday!

I know Mondays are especially hard after a Steelers loss and all of the craziness that went on with your newfeed this weekend (hehe) but we are now nearly the END of January and I am wondering how things are going with your New Years resolution?
Whether you actually made one, and health/fitness was on there, or if you just made a secret pact with yourself to be BETTER in 2017... it's time to have that GUT check because we are nearing that time when a lot of people start to make excuses and fall away from that New Year optimism and energy.
You guys see me post A LOT about my classes at the gym but I wanted to use this time to talk about your HOME workouts.
I am all about community and getting out to sweat together, but lets face it... sometimes that is just not an option.
I recently upgraded my account to the All Access OnDemand package, and let me tell you guys, it was the easiest decision I ever made.
In one payment my entire year is paid for upfront, and I have unlimited access to every single program offered by Beachbody PLUS all of the OnDemand exclusives and the meal guides for every program.
That is like someone handing you the keys to your dream car and saying... go ahead, take it for a test drive, and don't worry about bringing it back until 2018.
There are two options... with or without Shakeology... and the membership is yours for entire year.
So why is this SO important?
This is how I see it. We will all go through our personal journey this year. And with that there will be extreme highs (losing tons of weight, seeing results, being on top of our game) and lows (injury, just feeling blah, vacations, LIFE).
It is OKAY to fall off the wagon for a bit. It is OKAY to just not feel like doing it or get bored or have to put it off. Why? BECAUSE THAT IS LIFE. No one is perfect.
But the hardest part about RESTARTING is convincing yourself to either buy a new gym membership or buy a new program. All of a sudden something that was so easy is now a pretty big pain in the butt.
But the BEAUTY behind this All Access Pass is that IT WILL ALWAYS BE THERE. You don't lose your membership because you didn't log in for a week. It is paid for and READY FOR YOU when YOU ARE READY! There's no pressure to pick the perfect program because they are all there for you to try.
And Shakeology? That's a no-brainer! Get your first bag and decide if it's something that you can keep up with. If not... we will give your your money back with the 30 day bottom of the bag guarantee. You can also "turn off" and "restart" your shipments whenever you want.
I am starting my 2nd Challenge Group of 2017 on Monday February 6th and I want YOU to join me!
This group is for ANYONE who wants to beat the statistic that people fall off the wagon in February. And prove that you CAN get in shape by just pushing play from your living room... or the gym... or your basement... or grandmas house... basically anywhere you can get WIFI!
Let's chat about options that best work FOR YOU! So we can make 2017 the sweatiest and healthiest year YET!


Find me on Facebook:

For more tips on how OnDemand works, see my previous blog post here:

Monday, January 25, 2016

Quick Fit Tip

Seriously craving something yummy while watching football on Sunday! But.......

I didn't want to derail completely since I ate pizza yesterday :) So I whipped up this "pudding" as a night time snack <3

1/2 packet or scoop of Chocolate Shakeology or Vegan 
1 cup plain Greek yogurt 

* new cafe latte would be yummy too!  *

Quick n yummy <3

Thursday, January 14, 2016

P90X Live Coming to Western/Central PA

I am very excited to bring two amazing certifications to the Central/Western PA area.
1. Ebensburg Fitness Ebensburg, PA Feb 21st
2. The Summit Tennis & Athletic Club Altoona, PA Feb 28th
Who would make a great instructor?
  • * anyone who wants to further their education with fitness, physical therapy, personal training, and in the medical field
  • * anyone who is already an instructor and wants to add another format to their resume
  • * the newbies, who want to learn something new!
  • * anyone who loves fitness!

This is NOT just for people with prior experience. You will receive hands on training in just one day, and walk away with a P90X certification for one year, and all the tools you'll need to move forward with it.
A little extra.....
* there will be a photographer at both certifications taking action shots, group shots, and individual pictures so you can show off to your friends and family... and use them to advertise for your classes!
* RAFFLE for the first 10 people who sign up at either certification... lots of great prizes!!!!!
I am looking forward to bring my passion project, P90X Live and Beachbody Live to your area!
Tag a friend, bring a friend, and let's BRING IT! for more information and to register! 
Get in early, spaces limited!

How to register.....
follow the link provided above
click "Find an Instructor Workshop"
and scroll down to either of my two certifications (listed by date)
click Register and you are on your WAY!!!!

Can't wait to meet you!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

January Meal Prep: Success Starts with You

Cleaning out your Pantry/Fridge!

What you will EAT! Something I learned when I was doing many Beachbody programs....if I only kept healthy foods in the house...those were my only options. 

If you share your house with friends and family who are not on board with your new lifestyle change, I strongly advise you to designate specific cabinets or refrigerator shelves for unhealthy foods - and practice averting your eyes.
--Set up a separate shelf in your pantry, above your eye level, and put all of your family's unhealthy foods on this shelf. Put your healthy options on shelves at or below your eye level so when you reach into the pantry for olive oil or coconut milk, you don't have to reach past bagels.
--Do the same thing in the fridge - make one shelf dedicated to your family's soft drinks, baked beans, cheeses, and anything else that doesn't fit into your meal plan - stock your shelves full of veggies, fruit, healthy meats, and water.
--Ask your family not to leave out foods or appliances (like the hot-air popper) that can trigger cravings.
--Leave the room after dinner if your family is having an off-plan dessert - you can easily use that 5 or 10 minutes for a little "you-time." Or, create your own healthy dessert featuring fruit, sweet potato, or kale chips, and join in the family fun while still sticking to the plan.
--Make one room in your house a "food-free" zone. Enjoy the company of your family or indulge in relaxing activities without a focus on food (and without being tempted by what your kids or spouse is eating in the chair next to you).

Do you see family members derailing your success? How can you plan ahead to avoid that?

Be a Student!
Take out all the guides provided for you with the program... they include those for a reason!
Watch YouTube videos by searching the program you are doing for tips and motivation.
Set up a Pinterest board for clean eating ideas!
And be ready to ENGAGE in your accountability group!

How to PREP for success! Don't leave your workouts and eating healthy to chance and circumstance! 

- Find your Motivation... what drives you??? Maybe you can lay out those jeans you want to fit back into, or put a picture of yourself where you think you look absolutely beautiful on your fridge, or set a reminder on your phone to signal you daily with what you want most out of this journey.... it's endless!
- Clean out your Pantry (See Above!!!!)
- Read the Guidelines & Guides that came with your challenge pack!
- Take your BEFORE Pics! Go here to find out how!  
- I prep all of my meals at the beginning of the week- get the grunt work out of the way so that when I'm strapped for time during the week...I just grab my meals...Heat & eat baby! REMEMBER...MOST of your results come from your DIET! 
- Water! DRINK IT PEOPLE! **A good rule of thumb...Take your weight...divide by 2. That will give you the Ounces you need to drink daily (Example: 140 lbs/2 = 70 oz)
- Imagine yourself in 21 days. What do you feel like? How do you look? Do you have regrets <<OR>> or are you a better version of yourself, with an accomplishment of going through a legitimate 21 days of eating, exercising, and experiencing COMMUNITY. KNOW when you are going to get your workout in and THINK about the sense of accomplishment you will feel in 21 days! WIll you make your future self PROUD?
- It is time for you to snap the dreaded BEFORE pics... but I don't want you to get discouraged or put them off because these are the pics are but a mere reflection of your PAST decisions... From this point forward... these are your GOODBYE pictures... because you are about to CHANGE into a reflection of the daily decisions you make over the next 21 days... and let me just tell you... You are going to WANT to have these goodbye pics to show people (and yourself) HOW FAR YOU HAVE COME at the end of this challenge!!! Make sure you save them on your computer or camera so that we can compare them to your NEW SHOTS on day 7, 14 & 21!! 
EVERYDAY the decisions you make regarding exercise and food will have everything to do with how you feel come day 21. And these 3 weeks are going to pass whether you commit to yourself and the group or not. Why not dig deep and see what you’re made of!? Are you with me?? 

That's the magic of Team Beachbody. You and Me. If we want to be an instigator for change, let it begin with us!