Friday, June 12, 2015

PreSeason Part Two: Accountability Pictures

How easy is it to rely solely on the scale when you are going through those hard times and good times with your diet and exercise routine?
We either hop on to reaffirm that YES we are doing something right or to let us know that we are on a downward spiral and need to make changes.
What an emotional ROLLERCOASTER?!!!??

I cannot tell you to completely step away from the scale, but I can encourage you to adopt other means of gauging your progress.

My favorite way to do this? Take pictures!

This part of pre-season is us discussing how to take your BEFORE and AFTER pictures to document your journey, and how they will be used later for PRIZES!

More on the prizes later... first, let's dive into HOW to take those pictures!


Well lit room, same clothing

Not the BEST but this is a great way for you to look back and see how far you have come!
I love digging up OLD pictures where a memory is attached... 
like a friends wedding or family vacation, where I remember feeling uncomfortable in my clothes.
I then put it next to a recent picture where I feel sexy and confident!
What a difference!

Hands on hips
Same clothes
Plain background


  • Use your phone or camera with a timer, set it up on a table or shelf where it can get you at a straight on angle, not from below.
  • Stand against a door or plain wall
  • Be sure the lighting is right, no shadows. Everything should be clear in the picture.
  • Wear the same clothes... bathing suits, or shorts and a sports bra (for women)... gym shorts (for men) are the best option
  • Take three different pictures... front, side (arms slightly back and straight), and back (I like to clasp my hands together behind my head)

Here is an example of one of my progress pictures so you can see arm placement


So what about those prizes????

There is a reason, other than to WATCH your progress, that you take these pictures. I don't want to just sit around and look at pictures of you half undressed lol I want you to be able to submit them for prizes and cash!

Yes you read that correctly... CASH!

There is this thing called the Beachbody Challenge, and everyone can enter, as many times as they want. There is no limit!

You just need your before and after pictures, and then fill out a short survey about your experiences with the Beachbody products. They are looking for the next big success story, and that can be YOU!

Everyone gets a free tshirt just for participating, they are really nice shirts, and who doesn't love FREE SWAG???
But you are also entered to possibly win CASH PRIZES that are given out weekly, monthly, and yearly! I know several people who have won $500 for just submitting their pictures and story... why not you?

Check out this video for more info....

Pretty sweet right???


Go ahead and start snapping some pictures. It will seem really weird at first, but I promise, it is so worth it in the end. You will really wish you documented you journey as you move further and further down the road. I honestly cherish the pictures I took years ago when I was at my lowest point, because it shows me as a daily reminder of how strong I can be when I put my mind to something!

Good luck!  

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