Tuesday, June 9, 2015

30 Days of Insanity

I have talked about this before, but as a refresher, here is a little back story about my journey with Insanity.

Two years ago I was finishing up 90 days of P90X. I just had my second child, and gained a lot of weight with the pregnancy... even though I did try my best to be as healthy as possible. 
I had a lot of weight to lose, so I pulled out my dusty old P90X dvd set and got to work. The same day that I started the program, I became a coach, for extra accountability and a sweet discount on Shakeology :)

After completing the program and losing a good bit of the baby weight, I wanted to try something different. Back then there were really only a few popular workouts that people suggested. I wanted something new, and decided I would try Insanity. I heard amazing things, and figured I was in enough shape by now to get through it.

It came in the mail

I popped in the dvd

Made it through the warmup... sort of...

Turned off the dvd

Put it in the box and shoved it in a closet.

I was so mad that I bought this stupid cardio based dvd set. Who in their right minds could do this garbage? Not me. So I sulked and floundered a little bit until I decided to try Body Pump and Turbofire for a while... never to return to Insanity. I gave up.

Fast forward to last summer.... I was talking to a friend about workouts and she mentioned wanting to try Insanity.
"I have that dvd, do you want it? I won't use it."
I gave away my dvd set, for free. That is how much I hated the program, and the type of attitude I had towards my failure. I wanted all traces of evidence GONE!

That following winter we got word that Shaun T was coming out with a new program... it was supposed to be shorter workouts (he had massive success with T25 at this point) but the same intensity as Insanity. I had a poor attitude about it, and wondered how I could sell it if I didn't believe in it.
After going to the Diamond Coach winter retreat, put together by my coach, I saw a group of coaches doing a preview of the workout, and sort of felt jealous that they were giving it a try, and ashamed that I had such a bad attitude. 
On the way home, I secretly made a pact with myself to give it a try. I will buy it, try it out, and see how it goes.

I posted on my Facebook wall about wanting to try Shaun T's newest program, and 5 of my friends said they wanted to join me. Okay... no backing down now.

Thankfully I had that awesome group of people, because it made the program fun. It was HARD and it took everything I had not to quit, but the shorter workouts really helped me push through. I used this program through the winter, and switched to the 21 Day Fix in the Spring.

But there was always something in the back of my mind nagging me about giving up on Insanity. It is crazy to say, that you feel guilt for giving up on a dvd workout video... but it just shows that really do care and want to try your best. I didn't want to be a quitter, I wanted to show my friends that I could push through barriers too, just as I encourage them to do each day in our challenge groups!

So I started Insanity one month ago. I took it one minute, one workout, one week at a time. 
I was sore. I hated it. But I refused to give up AGAIN on this journey. I wanted to prove to myself that I could make it through at least 30 days of this workout.

So here I am.... 5 weeks later and a full month into the program....

In April I got into okay shape for my trip to Cancun... I was looking good but not in the best shape of my life. I could stand to eat better and focus on my workouts. I got by with the minimum, because my goal was to just look good in a suit.


- 6lbs
- 3 inches off hips
- 2 inches off waist
- 1 inch off chest

Increase in muscles in my abs, arms, and calves.

I feel LEAN! I really focused on my nutrition (I used the 21 Day Fix and Piyo meal guides to help me through these 30 days) this time around, because I knew if I wanted to see my muscles pop, I needed that boost you can only get in the kitchen.
Plenty of cheat meals, but never going overboard.

I cannot wait to show you my 60 day photos!!!!!

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