Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Invite Training... Sharing Your Story

Probably the biggest struggle for a coach, especially a new coach, is the INVITE part of our daily activities.
Something about having to message someone, or talk to them in person, about joining a challenge group, or purchasing a challenge pack, is just TERRIFYING to most people.
I get it, I struggled pretty hard with it at first too! I never messaged people, I waited for them to come to me, and lord knows that will never happen if I didn't establish a little credibility first!

After a lot of missteps and mistakes, I finally discovered the GOLDEN TICKET to inviting and conquering that fear.

Share your story.

And share it often.

That may seem like a totally off topic concept when it comes to inviting, but trust me, there is a compound effect that occurs when you share your story often.
And it makes INVITING a heck of a lot easier!

Sharing your story....

First you need to craft your story. There might be a clear starting point, or it might come to you in waves of ideas.
Take out a notebook and just jot down pieces of your past and present that blend together to create you, and where you are today.

Follow this guide....
1. What in your background did you not like?
2. How did Beachbody swoop in and save the day?
3. What is in store for your future?

When crafting a post about these pieces of our past, you want to answer all three of those questions to give your audience a clear perspective of where you were, where you are now, and where you are going.
You also want to include them in the story... a sort of CALL TO ACTION... at the end. It does not have to be a direct message or direct action for them to take, but they should feel a calling from inside themselves to want to keep watching you and wanting more pieces of your story.


You don't want to give your audience your ENTIRE story all at once. That can be a bit overwhelming and long right?
And you want them to keep coming back for more! Checking your page or blog.

So when you tell your story, you want to leave breadcrumbs, not dump an entire loaf of bread in their lap!

What this means is, give them pieces of your story so that they can connect with you, but leave them hanging on for more.

For example... I have been telling my story about how I gave up on Insanity after one workout 2 years ago, but recently picked it back up to give it a try.
I did not go into how I was a swimmer in high school and hated cardio and did P90X then the Ultimate Reset and all of these crazy ideas.
I shared the important parts of the story, and updated them on where I am today.
This causes my audience to wonder where I may be going with it in the future, and hanging on to hear more little stories about my past that may surprise them.

Examples of stories...

  • Share a transformation picture and give a brief update on where you were, where you are today, and what you expect for the rest of our journey
  • Maybe Beachbody has allowed you to purchase a new couch for your livingroom, something that was such a luxury a year ago. Do a side by side of the two couches, old and new, and talk about how because of your little hobby job you were able to splurge on that nice couch from Ikea.
  • Taking your kids on vacation and being worry free of the expenses like dinner our souvenirs. 
  • Share how you have grown from a party kid in college to someone who loves to workout and invest your time researching clean eating to feed your body the right way.

Just a few ideas to get the wheels turning!

I say this all the time to my coaches.... start to write out your story, it will change over time, and little pieces of your past will start to come back to you as they become relevent to where you are today.
Things may occur in your life now that may jog a memory from your past.
You may come across a picture that takes you back to a time when you were less confident.

You may think you don't have a story worth sharing, but we all do. 

In the book The Go-Giver a woman wonders what is so special about her. What can she give that no one else can give?
The answer: Herself.

No one can duplicate your experiences or feelings, so share that!!!!

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