Thursday, June 11, 2015

21 Day Fix PreSeason

Welcome to the 21 Day Fix Challenge Group!

I am so excited that you want to start your journey with me, and with this wonderful program. I have A LOT to share with you about it, but first, let's get down the basics!

So you already have your Challenge Pack box, it should have arrived in the mail before the start of the group, but if you are still waiting, no problem, you can catch up pretty quickly. 

Official 21 Day Fix Check List:

  • set of two dvds with the 21 Day Fix workouts
  • bonus dvd for purchasing through a coach
  • meal guide/container guide
  • Shakeology shaker cup
  • Shakeology flavor that you chose
  • set of portion control containers
  • 3 Day meal guide
  • Getting Started Guide

If these items were missing from your box, please contact me ASAP so we can straighten it out! No worries, it will get to you in time! 

After you unbox everything, read through all of the materials that they send you. Do not worry about understanding everything just yet, because that will come later, but it is good to at least get an idea of what we will be doing for the next three weeks.


The Meal Guide

You probably will spend most of your time sorting through the meal guide. This is your tool where you will find what calorie bracket you belong in, which foods fit into which containers, and some example recipes. She will explain how to plan your day around the containers, so you aren't eating them all at once, and how to still have a little treat while working through the program.

Let's take a look at the calorie categories!

You will follow the simple calculation at the beginning of your book to find out what bracket you are in. Be sure to stick to your bracket... there are a few exceptions (breast feeding) but it is important that you stick to the plan! They give you a pretty good amount of wiggle room, so don't worry!

Once you find out your category, you can then start planning your containers for the day!
I personally fall into the 1200 to 1499 level, so I follow the top line on this chart.

Do not get intimidated by these numbers and colors, it is a lot easier to plan out your meals and day than it looks.

I tell everyone, make BETTER choices at the grocery store than you normally would (take the meal guide with you, and when choosing meats, fruits, veggies, grains... look at the list she gives you for each, and stay around the top 1/4 of the list. Those are your BEST options! The closer to the top, the better.
Then go home and make dinner as usual, keeping a balanced meal in mind. Simply put each food item into their container, then dump onto your plate for a perfectly portioned meal. Save the rest for leftovers later!

This is where PLANNING and PREPPING ahead really help out. You are more likely to stick to the plan if you have the options ready to go in your fridge. 

We will talk about those two P words later in the pre season!!! 

Before we move onto the other parts of pre season, I want you buys to be ready.
And with that come CHARTS!
Start printing the ones that speak to you... that you feel you can follow easily... and have them handy for our prep and planning period. 
I like to keep mine clipped to my fridge for easy access and so I can clearly see where I am at for the day!

Here are a few of my favorites!

Save the image, then put into WORD so you can expand it and make copies!

Whatever you do, do not feel overwhelmed by this information! We are in this together! I promise to be there every step of the way. There will be a huge learning curve, and it may take longer than the 21 days to fuller grasp how to use this system effectively in your life. But the process does not STOP after this group... I am your coach FOREVER! I will keep at it with you until it is a lifestyle, not just a DIET!

Stay tuned for the PREP and PLANNING section of our pre season! Until then, read up!!!

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