Monday, December 14, 2015

Can I Share a Story?

Okay can I tell you a story????

So when we teach Piyo, we typically teach a "round" for 8 weeks, then move onto the new one that comes in the mail.
That gives our class time to learn, grow, and get stronger.

When I started Piyo I admit I was pretty awful at it... I'm nit a "to the beat" person. I'm more wild, free and like just knowing a number of times to do something. Piyo crushed that. Because, it's to a beat!

So the 8 weeks aren't just for my students, but for me to grow & learn too. I need it probably more than them but we do it together!

Tonight was week 8 with our round and there's a section in the middle called Flow. It's beautiful when done correctly and is almost like a dance.

Tonight I started it, and quickly found that finding that beat was natural. It happened effortlessly, and as I looked at the class, THEY were perfectly on beat too! We nailed every mark and it was fun to wstch, especially since we had a full 12 person class.

I never do this but I stopped and just talked them through it and watched.... it was really rewarding to see them push their limits, and fight for an extra inch. And finally find the music and trust their abilities.

After we finished we all cheered, they knew it too. They did it!

Reflecting I couldn't help but relate that to everything in my life..... try try try faith faith trust trust and just RELAX and Go with the Flow.......... without realizing it you'll find the beat :)

I'm excited to try a new Flow with them this month.
That's what's fun.... just because we mastered one doesn't mean we don't try something new and go for it with tons if energy!

I practice Piyo Mondays at 5pm! Join us!!!!

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