Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Cancun Bound!

Moon Palace Resort, Cancun

I am sitting in my living room with my two daughters just reflecting on my life right now, and seriously, I don't think it has fully set in.

Let's rewind a bit...

Last January I got a notification in my Beachbody office that registration for the 2015 Success Trip to Cancun was open. I really didn't think twice about it, I clicked the link and signed myself up to go on the trip. 
See Beachbody has these fabulous yearly trips that are rewards for how hard you work the year before! So by signing up for this trip, I then had to EARN my way there throughout 2014. You earn points each month that convert into dollars that pay for your trip. I figured, I'll give it a shot, if it doesn't work out, that's okay.

But that attitude slowly started to drift away as points began to add up, and reality of going on a trip FULLY PAID FOR by my hard work really drove me through the year. Each month I gathered points and that dollar amount to go no the trip got lower and lower. Soon... before December... my trip was fully for plus extra money for travel expenses!

I was seriously shocked that I did it. What started out as "okay let's see how this goes" turned into "I need to get there," And I did it!

I feel like that is a really great metaphor for my business... I started out saying "we will see how it goes, I'll try." And slowly but surely my reasons for wanting to try harder started to take shape. What was a hobby quickly became my lifestyle and what saved me from my awful retail job. 

So now I am sitting in my living room, enjoying time with my kids, before I leave for this amazing trip in the morning. I am so excited to go relax, learn in some trainings by corporate, and workout with celeb trainers (Autumn Calabrese, Tony Horton, and Shaun T). This is seriously a dream come true! I really need my Beachbody tank filled by seeing my friends and surrounding myself with people who also worked super hard last year to earn the trip! 

I am beyond thankful for this opportunity and thank everyone who has supported me along the way. This year certainly had its ups and down and a lot of trial and error. But I truly feel like this is where I need to be, and I am excited that my family is starting to see the benefits. It is way more than a free trip, it is proof that this works and it is working for me!


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